
By Angel Esparza

The narrative meaning of the Physical Monument Design is linked to Lockheed Aircraft Company (Lockheed Martin) and is related to many historical aviation moments during their time in Burbank, California. Helix is a conceptual monument AR design idea, and it got inspired by a plane propeller. Helix monument intends to connect Aviation history to Burbank Woodbury University. The method idea is to incorporate a parasite with a combination of object sculptures; these will be an attachment between the Academic Affairs and Advancement buildings across the Alumni Quad. In addition, the intent is to have hanging letters that describe the negative and positive impacts of Lockheed and aviation from time to time during aircraft production in Burbank. The intended material will incorporate steel members that support the helix form. Similarly, wings will be placed in the center to add staying in support to the whole structure. In addition, the setting will be attractive to contemplate the aluminum canvas letter attached to the ceiling.